Men's Bible Study
Fridays @ 8:00am, The Lighthouse
“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”
(Prov. 27:17, ESV)
Our hope in gathering around the scriptures together is not only information but also transformation. Our hope is that through our time together reading God’s Word, sharing our lives with each other, encouraging one another, and praying for each other, that God will sharpen us and that God will grow us in faith, character, devotion, and love.
Led most of the time by Pastor Shannon, the group typically goes straight through books of the Bible. Any and all men are welcome to attend and participate. No preparation is required. No knowledge of the Bible is required. Participants are welcome to simply listen or to fully engage in the conversation, or anything in between. Regardless, all men are invited into this edifying and enjoyable time of fellowship and growth with other men!
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