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When & Where
Sundays @ 9:30am
194 W. 25th Avenue
San Mateo, CA
What to Expect

with god
and with
one another
We are imperfect people who will welcome you gladly, just as you are. Our house is your house!
Our Sunday morning gatherings consist mostly of worship through music, teaching from the Bible, and prayer — connecting with God with one another.
A children’s message specifically for elementary and younger kids is also always a part of our services.
We celebrate the Lord’s Supper (i.e. Communion, the Eucharist) on the first Sunday of the month. Anyone who is baptized and wants to follow Jesus is invited to participate in the Lord’s Supper.
What should I wear?Wear whatever is comfortable for you. That's what everyone else does.
Where do I park?Our parking lot is on Hacienda Avenue between 24th and 25th Avenues.
What about infants, children, and youth?We love kids! Infants and toddlers may be taken to our nursery and toddler rooms in the children’s wing up to 15 minutes before the worship service begins (i.e. at 9:15am) where our loving, well-trained, and safety-certified staff will care for them. Infants and toddlers are also welcome to remain with their parents in the sanctuary during the worship service, if that is their parents’ preference. Preschool and elementary-aged kids are invited to stay with their parents for the first 15 minutes or so of the worship service at which time (i.e. after the children’s message) they are invited to go to their own age-appropriate classes with our awesome (and also safety-certified) teachers. Packets with clipboard, crayons, and activities are always available for preschool and elementary-age kids who would like such in the sanctuary. Middle school and high school students are encouraged to be with their families and the rest of the congregation in the sanctuary for worship at 9:30am. Then they are invited to connect in our youth life group at 11:00am. We study through books of the bible, pray for one another and connect in fellowship.
Will I be singled out as a guest or asked to raise my hand?Definitely not.
How long do your worship services last?Usually about an hour and 15 minutes.
What happens at the end of the worship service?We hope you’ll join us for refreshments and connecting on the patio!
Got other questions?Members of our greeting team will be glad to help you with anything and you can also reach us by sending us an email.
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